Business and Personal web pages from Canada Search result

Corduroy Brook Enhancment Association

Corduroy Brook Enhancment Association

109 Main Street, Grand Falls , NL
The Corduroy Brook Nature Trail is constructed along the course of Corduroy Brook. The trail is primarily constructed on flat terrain, which makes it easily accessible to people of all ages and abilities. There are many loops incorporated along the route to give users an option in terms of the distance they wish their stroll to be. Along the entire trail system there are rest areas, picnic areas, camp sites, playgrounds, shelters, outhouses, and other amenities. There are also interpretive signs providing information on various nature related themes. The trail's surrounding landscape varies, encompassing dry and wet marshes, brooks, ponds, regenerating forests areas, and open spaces. This is a unique attribute amongst trail systems. In total the trail system is over fifteen kilometres in length. This includes over eight kilometres of fully accessible trails, and another seven kilometres of improved hiking trails. One of the crown jewels of the Exploits Region, the Corduroy Brook Nature Trail offers an enjoyable, relaxing outdoor experience for all ages and abilities. Resplendent in natural beauty and abundant in wildlife the trail has become one of the most popular recreational facilities in Grand Falls-Windsor.
Valley SPCA La Vallée

Valley SPCA La Vallée

C.P. 7918, Grand Falls , NB
La Valley SPCA La Vallée est un organisme à but non lucratif ayant comme objectif l’ouverture et le maintien d’un refuge pour animaux abandonnés ou maltraités dans le Nord-Ouest du Nouveau Brunswick, et planifie de desservir les comtés du Madawaska et Victoria. Elle a été fondée en mars 2011 par un groupe de bénévoles ayant le bien-être des animaux abandonnés et négligés à cœur. Le besoin pour un tel refuge est criant dans la région – les membres de son comité administratif reçoivent des appels à l’aide sur une base quotidienne pour des animaux abandonnés ou errants. De plus, la Valley SPCA La Vallée sensibilise et éduque la population quant à la protection et au bien-être des animaux dans l'espoir de réduire et finalement mettre fin à l’abandon et la cruauté envers les animaux. Un projet de telle envergure nécessite beaucoup de temps, de planification et de dévouement, tant des membres que de la communauté. Plusieurs des membres du conseil administratif ont entrepris la tâche d'accueillir, de soigner et de placer en adoption plusieurs animaux abandonnés ayant un urgent besoin d’endroit sécuritaire à l’abri des intempéries et des nombreux dangers de la vie. Les couts augmentent à vue d'oeil lorsque l'on calcule la nourriture, la litière, les examens et soins médicaux. Un modeste don est demandé à ceux qui adoptent pour couvrir de justesse le cout de la stérilisation qui est obligatoire avant l'adoption. Ces familles d'accueil ont de très grands cœurs, mais il est temps que la Valley SPCA La Vallée puisse prendre la relève. La SPCA La Vallée participe à plusieurs activités régionales afin de ramasser des fonds et de sensibiliser les citoyens à la cause animale. Grâce au soutien constant des gens de la communauté, les diverses levées de fonds et la générosité de la population, la Valley SPCA La Vallée a, à l'intérieur des 2 dernières années, dépassé la barre des 125 000$ amassé et est en mesure d'entreprendre prochainement la planification de la construction de leur édifice. The Valley SPCA La Vallée is a non-profit organization that plans to operate a shelter for animals in need in north-western New Brunswick, and serve both Madawaska and Victoria counties. It was founded in March 2011 by a group of volunteers that had the wellbeing of abandoned and neglected animals at heart. The need for such a shelter is dire – its Administrative Committee’s members receive calls for help on a daily basis for animals that have been abandoned and for strays. Furthermore, the Valley SPCA La Vallée raises awareness and educates the population about the protection and well-being of animals in the hopes of reducing and even eliminating animal abandonment and cruelty. Such a project requires a lot of time, planning and dedication, both from the members as well as from the community. Many committee members have also taken on the task of fostering, caring and rehoming many abandoned animals that were in desperate need for a safe haven from the weather (may it be hot, cold, rainy, snowy, windy, etc.) and life’s many dangers. Costs rise quickly when litter, food, vet exams and medical treatments are calculated. The very modest adoption fee barely covers the required spay/neuter before the adoption takes place. These members do this out of the goodness of their hearts, but it’s time for the Valley SPCA La Vallée to take over. The Valley SPCA La Vallée participates in numerous regional activities that help raise funds as much as awareness. Thanks to the constant support from members of the community, numerous fundraisers and the public’s generosity, the Valley SPCA La Vallée has raised well over $125 000 in the past 2 years alone, and will be able to start planning for the construction of their shelter.
A T Restoration Services Limited

A T Restoration Services Limited

9 Bayley Street, Grand Falls , NL
Specializing in Fire & Water Restoration in central Newfoundland 24/7 Emergency Service - Call 489-9693
Riverfront Chalets & Rafting NL

Riverfront Chalets & Rafting NL

TCH (Hwy-1) at Aspen Brook, Grand Falls , NL
Relax with friends in a natural outdoor environment. The attention to detailed landscaping creates a dream garden with boarded walkways, rock walls and an outdoor fireplace. Enjoy the saltwater hot tub nestled in the landscape with a fantastic view of the river and big sky! Each luxury chalet sleeps 6, has 2 bedrooms, Jacuzzi, leather furniture, satellite TV, WiFi, private deck, & a Weber BBQ. On-Site: River rafting tours, hiking, canoe/kayak/bike rentals, snowmobile/snowshoe rentals & guided tours.
Frontline Fitness

Frontline Fitness

31 High Street, Grand Falls , NL
Ready to get fit? Ready to be healthy and live your life to the fullest? We are ready to help you now. Interested? Like us! Want to join up with some friends, just let us know. We're ready to help. We are located at 31 High Street, Grand Falls-Windsor.